A is for Atheists

Post 12 of 40 of the Humanist Lent Writing Project

Monday marked the beginning of “A Week” on Facebook (sorry I had the wrong dates down for this one folks). A week of visibility on the world’s largest social network for people who don’t believe in God. It isn’t too late to participate though!

The idea is simply during the week of March 20 – 26 people can change their Facebook profile image to the Scarlet A that many atheists use as a symbol. The theory here is that many nonbelievers are invisible to their peers and there are more of us than you might think (Greg Epstein, Humanist Chaplain at Harvard, posits 1 billion people could fall into this group).

Are you a nonbeliever? Check out the campaign below for more details and to get your snazzy profile image and the larger OUT Campaign by following the links.