A Humanist Observance of Lent

Post 1 of 40 of the Humanist Lent Writing Project

Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent in most Christian traditions. You might be wondering why the second post on a Humanist blog is about a Christian tradition, or you might not be wondering but I’m going to ramble on about it anyway.

I grew up Lutheran and my long-time boyfriend Justin grew up and still identifies as Catholic so these holidays impact us annually through family gatherings and through pop culture and conversation like many others. We often let this one go on by with little more than an understanding that Ash Wednesday happened and in a month or so we will head to a family Easter dinner. This year is different, Justin decided to pick up this observance last week and give up something starting today throughout Lent.

Now normally I would ask questions and be generally supportive and leave things at that but having just come up with this blog idea and working on getting it up and running on the technical side I thought it would be fun to be more participatory this time around for Lent in my own way.

So starting with this post I will blog from today until Easter Sunday (April 24 this year). I will take a break and not post on Sundays during this time, following the Lent pattern. My plan is to use this intensive writing period to explore a variety of topics, share resources, and just generally think about what this blog is all about. Between now and Easter Sunday I will have had a weekend visit with my mum; celebrated my 4 Year Anniversary with the man I love; presented at the Prairie Star District Annual Conference in Ames, IA; traveled to New York, NY to complete the first year of my graduate program through the Humanist Institute; and the Spring Equinox celebration will occur at First Unitarian Society.
